Light & shadow: cultural artefact in a digital world
“光与影——数字世界中的文化人工制品”是西安欧亚学院和澳大利亚珀斯科廷大学的跨学科合作项目。它体现了如何在一个人工智能、互联网、混合现实技术和算法融为一体的后数字时代世界中探索未来。该项目以开阔的思维和跨学科的通力创作,探索了数字媒体和数字制作对艺术品创作和交流的影响。为后数字世界中数字媒体在设计、数字制作、数字艺术品的感官体验等方面,提供了广泛的创意可能性和新的思考方式。 “光与影”展览作品探讨了艺术品的感知、物品数字化、文化艺术品和遗产、过去的城市文化以及未来的城市文化。在关注保护地球现有文化和新兴文化的同时,畅想了地球之外的可能性。它展示了使用一系列数字技术传达与交流文化艺术品,是艺术、设计、科学和技术的综合实践。
The project "Light & shadow: cultural artefact in a digital world" is an interdisciplinary collaboration between Xi'an Eurasia University and Curtin University, Perth, Australia. It is a manifestation of how to explore the future in a post-digital world where artificial intelligence, the Internet, mixed reality technology and algorithms are integrated. The project explores the impact of digital media and digital production on the creation of works with open-minded and interdisciplinary collaborations. It offers a wide range of creative possibilities and new ways of thinking about digital media in the post-digital world in terms of design, digital production, and the sensory experience. The works in the exhibition "Light and Shadow" explore the perception of artworks, the digitization of objects, cultural artifacts and heritage, urban culture of the past and urban culture of the future. While focusing on the preservation of the Earth's existing and emerging cultures, it contemplates the possibilities beyond the Earth. It demonstrates how a range of digital technologies can be used to communicate and exchange cultural artifacts and is an integrated practice of art, design, science and technology.
EAaD School, Xi'an Eurasia University
艾德艺术设计学院立足艺术设计领域,将创新、策略性解决问题的过程应用与媒体和信息传达、产品与体验、系统与服务、建筑与环境等范畴,培养实验创新能力和专业技术能力兼备的设计人才。凭借西安欧亚学院综合性大学的跨学科优势,聚焦在当代社会发展与经济建设进程中应用性最强的领域(视觉传达设计、环境设计、数字媒体艺术),同时融入批判性思维、文化表达、商业管理、科技应用,开创了当代、先锋、务实、活跃的教学文化。 西安欧亚学院是一所经国家教育部批准,以管理、经济为主,艺术、文学、教育、工学等协调发展的国际化应用型普通本科高校。
EAaD School is an art and design school under the Eurasia University. The field of art and design, applying innovative, strategic problem-solving processes to media and messaging, products and experiences, systems and services.The main objective of the program is to train designers with the ability of experimental innovation and expertise in the fields of architecture, architecture and environment. Based on the interdisciplinary strengths of the Eurasia University, EAaD School focuses on the most applied areas of contemporary social development and economic processes——Visual communication design, Environmental design, Digital media arts. All three programs incorporates critical thinking, cultural expression, business management, technology application, creating a contemporary, pioneering, pragmatic and dynamic teaching culture. Xi'an Eurasia University is an international undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, which focuses on management & economics and coordinates the development of art, literature, education and engineering.